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私は紙の書類があまり好きでは無い。家のどこかに保管しなければならないのが嫌だし、それに場所をとる。また、すぐに必要になったときに、検索するにも大変である。そうした古い書類の提出を誰も求めないので助かっているが、もし求められたら、探し出すのはさぞかし苦痛であろう。しかし、そもそもなぜ紙の書類を保管する必要があるのであろうか?今は2021年で 既に多くのことがデジタル化されている世の中なのに、なぜ身元証明はそうならないのか?一部の国では、既にデジタル化されているが。



  1. 基本情報:

  2. 氏名、苗字、性別、誕生日、連絡先(メールアドレス、電話番号)

  3. 諸支払い関連情報:

  4. 銀行口座

  5. 通勤経路

  6. 住所、居所証明

  7. 納税及び社会保険関連情報:

  8. マイナンバー

  9. 家族情報(扶養家族がいる場合)

  10. 外国人登録情報:

  11. ビザ関連(在留カード)

  12. パスポート関連

  13. 緊急時対応情報:

  14. 緊急時連絡先

  15. 未成年の場合:

  16. 親の同意

  17. 高い信頼を必要とする仕事に従事する場合:

  18. 保証人情報と保証人の同意書

  19. リフトのドライバーや看護師のように、特別な技術が必要な場合:

  20. 当該技術認定書




後は、自分のニーズや予算に合ったツールを探すだけである。不明な点や、サポートが必要な場合は、dore@welcomehr.jpまで連絡頂ければ、私又はWork Style Techチームの誰かが喜んでサポートを提供する。

Applying DX to your Employee Onboarding Process. How to optimize your time with the April new hires.

In Japan, most people join companies in April. For companies with lots of part-timers, this is also a time for contract renewals. But what you need for onboarding your employee, and how can you make that process painless and smooth?

Most companies will ask the employee to come to the office, and the HR will take about an hour to go through the employee information on the contract. By that time, the employee already agreed to the details, and HR can do little to change it. If there is something wrong with it, changing it in a big company might take weeks. Then they receive an “onboarding kit” with about 10~15 pages that they will take home for reading and signing in detail the rest of the documents. Some companies will send that block of records to someone’s home and wait a few weeks to send the documents back signed, and if something is missing, another set of phone calls and requests to some late people. By the end of April, the company has to have all the data in order. They need to be able to apply for employee social insurance and also to be able to pay that person.

Why do we ask people to submit a copy of their MyNumber, Driver’s license, or Passport? Those documents copy is just for reference if the numbers the employee presented are right. Some companies also like to have some document with your face for proof that the employee is whom he says he is.

I’m not too fond of paper. I hate to have to store it somewhere in my house, and it does take space. Also, I will not be able to search for things if I need them quickly. Nobody ever asked me for those old documents, but it would be a pain to dig it if they did. But why do we need to store it all? It is 2021, and most of the world has gone digital, but why have those processes not? In some countries, they have.

Japan law changed in April 2019 to allow employee contracts to go online. That means we could go a big step and save hours of work by not having to print it all and send it to someone’s home and wait for a reply. Or to have someone come to the office to have their inkan on paper.

I learned that the real pain comes not with the contract but with the information gathering. As an HR, here are the main things you would need to gather:

  1. Basic Information

  2. Name, Surname, Gender, Birthday, Contact (email, phone)

  3. For payment:

  4. Bank Information

  5. Transit Information

  6. Address, proof of residence

  7. For Tax and Social Insurance purposes:

  8. My Number

  9. Family Information (if they have dependents)

  10. For Foreigners:

  11. Visa Information (Zaimu Card)

  12. Passport Information

  13. For Emergency:

  14. Emergency Contact Information

  15. If they are minor:

  16. Parent Consent

  17. If they work on a job that you need high trust

  18. Guarantor Information and Consent

  19. if you need special skills like a lift driver or a nurse

  20. Certification of the skill

The best way I found to handle all this was with a Self-Onboarding platform. You provide your employees with the fields you need, and they fill it online and upload the necessary documents. And some of those platforms will allow you to handle Shakai Hoken and Nenmatsu Chosei right from them, making it all very simple to do. Even platforms that will enable all to be handle from the smartphone, even for the HR.

According to our research, it takes about 45 minutes to handle everything on average per employee. From printing and preparing those onboarding kits to then typing it all on the PC once you receive it back. In comparison, you could send employees a request through email and save yourself about 40minutes of work per employee. If you are onboarding 20 people this April, that means 800 minutes you can save. That is 13hours and 20 minutes of work that you could spend somewhere else.

The employee will be happy as well, especially if they are young and, like me, don’t like to handle paper documents at home. Now you need to look for a tool that fits your needs and your budget. If you have any questions or need any help, please message me at and me and the Work Style Tech team will be happy to support you.

ドレ・グスタボ(ドリー) CEO (Chief Executive Officer)





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