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1- ユーチューブの1〜5分の瞑想ビデオ。


2- おやつタイム。 間食は太る原因になりますが、糖分不足にならないよう、身体を調整することもできます。集中できないのは、ただ単にお腹が空いているだけかもしれません。私のお気に入りは「1本満足バーシリアルホワイト」です。

3- 他のチームメンバーに電話して何かを相談する。


4- 早く寝る。


5- 午前5時30分頃に一番大変な仕事をする。






I am going to blow up! What now? How I deal with stressful times at work.

I will start this with a disclaimer: This is my experience, it might work for you, or it might not. I am not a psychologist or a therapist of any kind. With that out of the way, let me talk to you about my experience.

Since I became a company CEO, even a small company, there is a continuous burden to keep the company alive. Every day there is much pressure:

  1. Investors requesting accountability for sales targets missed.

  2. Reseller companies are trying to squeeze a little more out of a deal with us.

  3. Big clients are making big requests or treating to leave.

  4. Cash flow challenges.

  5. Employees are facing trouble with other team members.

  6. A lot is going on.

For sure, at the same time, we are closing sales, releasing new products, meeting excellent partners and new team members. There are a lot of good things going on too. Strangely, my brain does not balance those things out very well, and the weight of the hard stuff usually overcomes the good things in the time I dedicate to them.

I do feel the stress, but I can’t let it win all the time. Sometimes it does, and I see myself taking a break longer than I should have. I might postpone answering an important email or ignore a phone call. That is not very productive for my job. And suppose I am not effective in a consecutive number of days. In that case, it starts to generate a significant impact on the company.

So what now? Should I just let it be? I remember as a young employee at Sony, my boss told me. “You should blow up a few times so you can learn where your limits are.” Now at 35, I feel I am still stretching my limits.

I tried many things over the years. There was even a course where they teach to “shout out loud” to relax. In the short term, all of them have some effect. But in the long run, it gets silly or just not practical. In the end, the best methods that have worked are:

1- 5 minute meditation video on Youtube.

Very simple. If I do it, I spend 5 minutes refocusing. If I don’t do it, 30 minutes will go by with me looking at Social Media. I usually do it two times a day. In the morning, around 8h40 before everything starts, and about 14h, when I am getting sleepy.

2- A small snack.

Snacking can make you fat but can also regulate your body from missing sugar. Maybe you are not concentrating because you are just hungry. My favorite is Ippon Manzoku White Chocolate.

3- Call another team member to discuss something.

In these times of remote work, being alone when you are stressed makes procrastination an easy path. There is no one to check on you but yourself. So calling someone and making a promise to move some work for them is a great way to put yourself back into position. Talking your stress out also helps, having someone to share, even if they can’t do much about it.

4- Sleep early.

This one was the hardest to get used to. There is so much to entertain us at night. There are great shows on TV, there is the time with our spouse, after the kids’ sleep, that is the time we have for ourselves. Well, I gave up on a piece of that time without regrets. I sleep at 10 pm now. But the next day, at 5 am, I feel already so refreshed, my mood is just so good it is hard to say that I was better sleeping late. For sure, I watch less TV and play fewer games. But with more sleep, I have more energy overall and feel my body lighter.

5- Do the hardest work around 5h30 am.

My mind refreshed, and there is no interruption for at least 1 hour. My decision-making is highest, especially if I did a 15-20 minute walk before starting it. Before, I would postpone things forever and do it late at night, tired, on the sofa while my wife watched some TV by my side. It was hard to concentrate with the noise of the TV, my tiredness, the idea that I was doing too much work too late. All of that was solved when I push those problems to the following day. I get a good night of sleep, and a task that would take 2,3 hours at night gets done in 1 hour in the morning energy rush.

I know, I know. This is not for everybody. It is what works for me. So I am sharing with all of you and hope it will hit you somewhere. There is always a tradeoff, especially with entertainment, but how much entertainment do we need? Do we really need 2,3 hours of TV a day?

At WelcomeHR, we created this environment where everybody controls their own time. Being at the office or at home, nobody will complain if you start late or start early. As long as you get the job done in the time promised, you can work whenever you feel like it. That also means that people need to be able to manage themselves to a certain degree. We had problems in the past, and people got fired for violating that trust. It is hard, but I believe it is one of the paths to happiness.

Handle stress is a hard thing to do. But you can take baby steps and start with a 5-minute meditation video from youtube to refocus.

Good luck on your journey.



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